Syracuse CR's Host Fossil Fuel Advocate Alex Epstein, Disregarding Campus Resistance

Defying the odds and institutional opposition, the College Republicans at Syracuse University hosted climate change policy skeptic Alex Epstein on their campus last month. In the build-up to the September 20th event, the College Republicans faced harsh, defamatory, and sometimes even violent remarks from students, colleagues, and even their own school paper, yet executed the event regardless.
Just hours before the event was slated to begin, Syracuse student paper “The Daily Orange” would release a hit-piece article in which a series of false claims were levied against Epstein, including allegations of racism and colonialism. The paper had claimed that Epstein wrote that black americans were not harmed by slavery and Jim Crow. What he actually wrote was that modern day black americans are no long held back by Jim Crow and slavery the way their ancestors may have been.
The CR’s at SU quickly forced the Daily Orange to issue a correction.
Simultaneously, radical left-wing students tore down advertisement posters on campus, defaced them with vulgar images, and anonymously posted online smears on the social media app “YikYak.”
“The modern day Republican party is a fascist party,” one comment read. “F*ck all the ‘College Republicans.’”
Hate comments dominate the Daily Orange comment section on Instagram as well.
Despite a concerted effort by college bureaucrats and leftist propagandists to kill the event in its cradle, the College Republicans pushed forward and held a wildly successful lecture with strong attendance. Dozens filled the seats of the lecture hall, while nearly a thousand people viewed the event live online, with over ten thousand digital views racked up at the time of writing.
“The College Republicans are thrilled with our latest event featuring Alex Epstein,” said Syracuse chapter Chairman John Parker. “Despite attacks from our school newspaper, the event flowed very smoothly, we had great engagement during Q and A, and a tremendous livestream with the Young Americas Foundation.”
Even with some online provocateurs calling for his expulsion, Chairman Parker remained steadfast in his optimism.
“Alex Epstein demonstrated why the radical left is so wrong on the issue of climate change,” he remarked. “We look forward to disproving more leftist dogma in the future.”