President Donahue Drives with Trump Campaign Advance Team on Trip to LA

President Will Donahue had a rare opportunity to work with Trump's advance team and drive senior staff from the Trump campaign on their trip to LA on Saturday. President Trump came to LA after a trip to Las Vegas where he went to UFC290.
After a round of golf at Trump International Golf Course in Palos Verdes, Will drove senior advisors of the Trump campaign to LAX and wished them a safe trip aboard the Trump plane from the tarmac. President Trump took a moment to take pictures with members of the California Highway Patrol before also boarding the plane with Roger Stone and his advisors.
President Donahue said, "I am incredibly honored to have been given this opportunity to drive with the advance team. The Trump campaign is a well oiled machine and the staff is incredibly competent and gracious. I was very impressed by the operation and can't wait for 2024."
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