CRA's South Carolina Chapters Lead Grassroots Efforts to Secure Another Trump Primary Victory

The College Republicans of America came out in huge numbers to support President Trump in the South Carolina primary on Saturday and the days leading up to it, which saw yet another major Trump primary victory.
The dominant performance defeated Nikki Haley in her own home state, with therace was called only seven seconds after the polls closed. Trump also completely outperformed Haley throughout the entirety of the primary process, so much so that the Clemson College Republicans (Haley’s alma mater) decided to endorse President Trump ahead of the South Carolina primary, offering their members boots on the ground to help make phone calls and do major voter outreach for the 45th President.
CRA News asked Clemson College Republican’s President and CRA South Carolina National Committeeman, revor Tiedman about how everyone was feeling for Trump. “The energy was incredible on primary day. We all anticipated a win, but it didn't change the fact that massive cheers errupted after the win was announced. All the hard work that CRs put in both in our club and nationwide paid off!”.
Trevor also got to meet President Trump, and had the chance to speak on stage of the Trump rally. When asked about this, Trevor said… “Trump's personality filled the room as soon as I walked in it. It was truly an honor to meet the man that inspired me to get into politics. As for speaking on stage, I was asked by team Trump to say the pledge of allegiance. I was awestruck at all of the people who filled up the arena to see the president speak. When I went up to the podium I made sure to mention that Clemson supports President Trump, not Nikki Haley”.
Clemson wasn’t the only college in South Carolina to get involved with helping Trump win the primary though, as the College Republicans at the University of South Carolina also joined forces with Trump campaign to help them achieve. The club’s Vice President, Noah Lindler, reported on the details of their efforts.
“As an org[anization], we have worked closely with the local/state campaign. We have handed out campaign materials, along with provide opportunities for members to work individually with the campaign. We have also had the state rep for the midlands of SC come speak at our meetings to let members know of opportunities”.
With the primarily effectiveley over, CRA and it's member chapters look forward to continuing to support president Trump in his efforts to reclaim the White House and beat the disastrous President Biden.