California College Republicans Staff the Second 2024 GOP Primary Debate

With the nation’s eyes on California for the second Republican Presidential Primary debate, College Republicans of America students were there on the ground. Several CRA members helped run the event at the Reagan Presidential Library and Museum and even more were there in the crowd to support the candidates, many hailing from UCLA, and other liberal campuses from all across the state.
Of CRA members involved in the event itself, some of the students were on the inside helping run the logistics of the debate itself while others were there with other companies to assist their presence and commentary of the event. Representatives from Pepperdine University helped with the film coverage of the Daily Wire, a conservative media company.
This time around there were 7 candidates in attendance, with one candidate having dropped since Milwaukee. Candidates like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Entrepreneur Vivek Rmamaswamy and Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley were on stage.
Noticeably absent was the front runner and 45th president, Donald Trump. However, despite the absence, his presence was still felt through the questions posed to the candidates and his many supporters around the campus and inside the debate. One of the students in attendance relayed this circumstance, “I helped transport CRA student volunteers to the rally in front of the Reagan Library entrance. Then I stood with them as they rallied support for Former President Trump.”
One CRA member, Justin from Pepperdine, told CRA that students were not afraid to show up and interact with the public. “The volunteer students actively engaged with fellow rally goers. This took the form of debate and helpful dialogues. It brought a young perspective to a lot of Trump fans and media members that could really use their energy and fresh ideas. They are the future of the country.” These College Republicans of America students can be expected to be at subsequent debates or rallies, with that same energy and all-encompassing grassroots involvement. The third republican primary debate is expected to be on November eighth in Miami-Dade county.