Boston College CR's Host Flurry of Expert Speakers to Close Out the Semester
The Boston College Republicans finished off their fall semester with a bang by hosting three different speakers within the last two weeks of November.
The flurry included Lindsey O’Rourke, an expert on the war in Ukraine on November 20th, Jay Nordlinger, a journalist that works for the National Review Institute on the 29th, and National Review author and BC alumnus Caroline Downey on November 30th.
James Markis, the current Boston College Republicans Chairman, spoke extensively on how the three back-to-back events went.
“The Boston College Republicans had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Lindsey A. O’Rourke to talk about the current Russo-Ukraine conflict,” Markis said.
. “Professor O’Rourke has focused her research primarily on the Cold War and U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations. She pursued her doctorate under the esteemed foreign policy author John Mearsheimer, and is extremely well-versed in much of 20th century international politics,” he said of her academic credentials.
“Professor O’Rourke offered a unique perspective on the conflict, highlighting how the U.S. has continually expanded NATO since the 1990s despite perceived assurances against expansion. She also highlighted the different policy positions among the GOP candidates, ranging from the more Neoconservative voices seeking more financial support in Ukraine, with Nikki Haley and Chris Christie, to the more skeptical candidates, President Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy,” Markis explained to CRA news.
Markis also talked to CRA news about the events that happened on the last week of November, explaining how welcoming Jay Nordlinger and Caroline Downey to their campus was well worth it.
“The last week of November was an eventful time for the Boston College Republicans. On Wednesday, November 29th, BCR had the pleasure of welcoming Jay Nordlinger to campus! He discussed the history of National Review and the legacy of William F. Buckley. National Review had a profound impact on the conservative movement throughout the latter half of the 20th century, and William F. Buckley was the architect behind that form of conservatism.”
“The next day, Thursday, November 30th, BCR had the pleasure of welcoming Caroline Downey to campus. Carolina graduated BC in 2020, and has since worked at National Review as a journalist covering many of the major cultural issues facing our society. She talked to the club about her work at National Review as well as her time at BC and how it solidified her conservative opinions as truthful.”
After expressing his thanks for both guest speakers from the National Review, Markis projected the future of the club and it's events.
“The Boston College Republicans are continuing to attract new members to the club, and we are confident we’ll continue that trend into 2024.”