Advocate for the Right to Life

One of our primary missions is to defend the sanctity of inherent human dignity. In a time when the debate surrounding abortion rights continues to intensify, it is crucial that we stand together and protect the most vulnerable members of our society. With your support, we can launch a powerful campaign to promote a culture of life on college campuses and influence the future of the pro-life movement. College Republicans have been on the frontlines of the life issue since the 70's. Every year we send our students to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and D.C. for the life marches. We also regularly table on our campuses to advocate for the rights of the unborn.

You can help our efforts to continue fighting for life by contributing to our fund to cover the travel costs and printed materials our students need to advocate for the unborn.
Your contributions will also enable us to host educational events and awareness campaigns, providing accurate information about the development of the unborn child and the ethical implications of abortion. We believe that by fostering understanding and compassion, we can change hearts and minds, ultimately shifting the conversation in support of the sanctity of life.
Furthermore, with your support, we can actively engage in the political process to advocate for pro-life legislation and defend the rights of the unborn. By working with lawmakers and participating in grassroots efforts, we will fight to protect the most vulnerable members of our society and promote a culture that values and cherishes every life.
Your generosity and commitment to the rights of the unborn will be instrumental in shaping a society that cherishes and protects every precious life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals and leave a lasting impact on the pro-life movement.
To contribute to our campaign and stand up for the rights of the unborn, please click the link below to visit our secure donation portal: